So Sunday night, Beckett desatted to 73% but was stable with oxygen so the doctors decided we could go home with oxygen, a referral to an ENT, and more medications. It is amazing how many different things he is on. The pharmacist had me pretty worried when he expressed concern about how many different steroids he is on. I actually had to make up a schedule so I would know what are AM, PM, and as needed medicines.
So Tuesday morning, we saw the ENT. She was very nice and I liked her a lot. She immediately said Beckett needs tubes for his ears. While she does tubes, she wants to remove his adenoids. Mike and I were fully prepared for that. She thinks his adenoids are causing the ear infections, which trigger a fever, which in turn triggers the severe asthma attacks. The ear infections are the main reason for thinking the adenoids are the culprit but we are still not positive because generally the flag for inflamed adenoids is inflamed tonsils. Well Beck's tonsils are pretty small and not inflamed at all. So she is also going to do a bronchoscopy to check his windpipe for size and obstructions while he is out for the tubes and adenoids. We are going to do this in two to three weeks. We are still waiting for a date because she needs to reserve time at the bigger hospital with a PICU. She wants to do it there because the hospital she normally does surgery at does not have the anestheologist she thinks Beck needs nor a PICU. Scary to think she feels the need for the PICU.
Yesterday we saw Beck's pediatrician. She was glad to hear the plan from the ENT but she too was concerned that his tonsils are not inflamed and wants to make sure before we put him under for it. Another concern is that when taken out before two years old, the adenoids will grow back. So we could be doing this again in a couple years. Anyways, she has also ordered a sleep study which will confirm or deny the adenoid theory. We are trying to do this in the next week so we have plenty of time to make a decision about adenoids. Dr. Y seems to think if adenoids are the problem, we will still have to deal with the severe infantile asthma. If adenoids are not the problem, she is afraid we will be on oxygen long term. We are all hoping it is adenoids!!!!!
Sorry for the long post but I know a lot of people wanted to know what has been going on.