Sunday, October 26, 2008

You Know You're A Mom

You know you're a mom of two kiddos when:

1. You know the concept of good sleep will not be achieved for at least 18 more years.

2. Laundry is never-ending and there is never a second when it is all put away.

3. Taking a break is when you only have to take one kid to the bathroom with you.

4. You take a shower in the dark everyday because at least one small child is asleep in your bed and better that they are asleep than standing outside the shower telling you they need to go potty.

5. You are able to comfort one kiddo while the other is attached to his lunch and yell at the dog all at the same time.

6. You know the importance of a good friend because they don't care if one or both your kids have lost it, they love you anyways.

7. A successful day is when two kids nap at the same time.

8. You know that a clean house is not realistic and never completely accomplished.

9. Poop that is outside of a diaper doesn't really phase you anymore especially when both kids have the issue at the same time.

10. Your greatest joy is seeing your kids interact and play together.


The Beagleys said...

Both your boys are so cute!!! I can't wait to meet Beckett this week!!! I'm so excited!!! I love I think it's your #8 about poop on the outside of the diaper...I'm sure Mike told you the poop story while Caid and he was was quite the experience! ;)

Steve, Lynn & Brian said...

What a great post and what beautiful boys!!! Good luck with the craziness. You are so wise to enjoy this phase, even with little sleep and too much laundry! You're the best, Steph.