Friday, November 23, 2007


No, I am not swearing in the title to this post. This is the dear way my sweet baby boy says SEE IT. It somehow gets globbed into one very embarassing, rude sounding word. He is so excited about everything lately and constantly wants to point and yell Sheeit! It does make it a little embarassing when standing in lines at the grocery store or in the mall when your child does point and yell sheeit! Everytime I feel I have to make the point to say, "I know, I SEE IT!"(being sure to articulate) That is modeling for him and also for all the people glaring at me for teaching my son to say something so profane, that he really means SEE IT.

For all the Washington family who can't wait to see this sweet little guy (in 35 days might I say), he is still sweet and we have not taught him to swear.

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