Monday, November 5, 2007


1. Tookie- Caiden talk for a sweet, round treat Grandma uses to bribe him to leave her office. It works EVERY time!

2. WO WO WO- Caiden talk for no no no! He shakes his little finger while saying it. Everytime he sees my Grandma he says it to her. I think he thinks it is her name.

3. WOOO- Everytime the Halloween bowl catches his eye he says Wooooo! in hopes that we will give him some candy. Also used when grandpa was whistling and clapping at the Army/Air Force game. Caid can't whistle but he can hang with Grandpa with his woooo.

4. Cheez- Caid talk for Please.

5. Chay choo- Caid talk for Thank You.

1 comment:

Karine said...

I can just see the way he waves his little arm in the air when he saying his cute little "ism's," It made me miss him SO much. Please give him a huge kiss and hug for me!
Love ya!