Thursday, January 3, 2008

Big News

About a month ago, I was wondering when my less than favorite monthly friend would stop by when I decided to pee on a stick. To my surprise there were indeed two lines. As I sat there and stared at it, I could almost hear cells dividing into an embryo from a blastocyst. Or more simply put, I knew I got knocked up, have a bun in da oven, eating for two, preggo...take your pick.

Now everything makes perfect wonder I am asleep by 7:30 every night. No wonder I get dizzy every time I stand up. No wonder this indigestion has gotten terrible. It is making so much sense!!!!

For all the people wondering given our track record, YES this was planned. We didn't think things would happen so quickly but it is all coming together. I did just send my maternity clothes to my aunt, so of course I would need them. I did get down to the lowest weight I've been in 6 years, so of course I'd get pregnant. I just took on a new job at the school tutoring, so of course I'd get pregnant. It all adds up now!

We had our first appointment and got to see our little peanut on ultrasound and hear its heartbeat. Everything looked good and the heartbeat was at 148 beats per minute which is good. We will do another ultrasound at the end of January and then the big one will be in March.

We are ecstatic!!!! We are trying to teach Caid about the baby, so if you ask him where the baby is...he knows its in someone's tummy. I will ask him where the baby is and sometimes he will point to my tummy, sometimes his, sometimes my chest (somewhere around there), sometimes other people's tummies. It is really cute. The baby is due August 9th so please keep us in your prayers that this will be a healthy pregnancy for me and the baby.


The Johnson's said...

YEA YEA YEA!!!! More Beagley babies!! Congratulations you guys. I am so happy for you. You will definatly be in our prayers. I guess Steph just loves having newborns at Family Reunion. Who wouldnt? "Welcome to the world baby, have a brownie."

Bethany said...

That is fantastic! Take care of yourself and make sure Mike waits on you hand and foot!