Friday, January 11, 2008

Nude Dude

So in last couple days my son has decided to stop wearing clothes. I blink and next thing you know he is stripped down to his birthday suit, diaper and all. He loves to run around without anything on and at first it was mostly just before baths or when changing from jammies to clothes for the day, etc. Now it is constantly. He used to be able to just run around in a shirt and diaper, no more.

I have come to the conclusion that I cannot reason with him to get him to keep clothes on. I've tried telling him how cold he'll get, how cold he looks, how one year olds wear clothes, what if it stops snowing we could go outside if you had clothes on, you need pants on to ride your bike. Nothing works! He wants to be naked! So I am just going to have to keep him in overalls, I guess. He has not yet figured out how to get those off. I guess we are going to the OshKosh outlet this weekend. Any other ideas? I will take them.

As to all who got the text of my son running around in nothing but a birthday hat:
1. Now you have a visual to go with this blog post.
2. I have cleaned the ottoman after he climbed around on it naked.
3. I did not set him up with the birthday hat. That was all his doing.

1 comment:

The Johnson's said...

Maybe it would help if he didnt see his dad doing it all the time. Best 80's commercial ever: "You all right! I learning it by watching you!"