Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'll Rule Over This Land

So many people ask me, what does Caiden do when I go to work. I tell them, well he goes with me but I think most people know that and are wondering what keeps him busy at the office. My reply is what doesn't keep him busy. This office used to have a bouncer, exersaucer, Bumbo seat, play gym, rattles and Baby Einstein. Caiden is into desk, Grandma's purse, the coffee grinds in the coffee pot, the trash (now sitting on top of the entertainment center), the punches from the 3 hole punch. Anything and everything is fair game. We decided that Caid needs toddler toys now. So gone are the infant things and now enter Caid's new train set!!!!

He could teach some world leaders a couple things, stand tall and scream a lot!!

Even world leaders need a break!

Back to my little control issue

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