Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well Caiden has recently become confused about some words, which is almost completely my fault.

1. Everytime Caiden has a ball he inevitably drops it and we say uh-oh. Now everytime he wants a ball, he points to it and says "uh-oh." It is so cute.

2. He likes to look at the hamster my mom has in the office but it is a little smelly and I don't always want to take it out. So I will lift him up so he can peer in the cage and tell him say hi to Houdini. Now he stands below the cage, points towards it and says "hi", sometimes he'll even wave. Even cuter!!!

I really have to watch how I label things for him. Who knows what he might end up calling things?


Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt said...

This is really mom, not Matt. Yes, Stephanie your husband and son are pretty amazing and that works because you are too! We sure do love you guys. Thanks for being so good about sharing pictures and paintings with us. Can't wait to see you and Caiden. My students are already very aware of who Caiden is. Love you guys!!!

Matt said...

Mom wanted to have the first comment, so I had to go delete my first one... anyway, Caiden sounds like hes alot of fun. Im jealous of Kristin going to live with him. Keep up the good work.

The Beagleys said...

Hey beautiful! I love this blog of yours! I always love hearing about you guys and, of course, Caiden! Love you tons!