Friday, August 21, 2009

This is getting better?????

The virus Beck has ends with a rash which is bright red and covers the entire body. Now as beautiful as that sounds, it is far from it. It looks awful!!!! My kiddo has been a trooper though. Beck deals with it like it is nothing except for when it comes to an oatmeal bath. He hates them but they seem to have really helped. He looks tons better today so I think we are almost done with the rash. Yay!!!


Unknown said...

what a trooper!

The Beagleys said...

Poor baby!!! I'm so sorry you guys have to going through this...especially right before the trip!!

Karine said...

So unfair! Poor little Beck! It just breaks my heart to see little ones that are ill. Hang in there Steph, you are doing amazing!