Monday, July 7, 2008

Future Olympian

We have been watching the US Olympic swim trials lately and Caiden is all set that in order to swim you have to wear a hat, i.e. swim cap. I was a little worried because all we could find was one for ages 6 and up. Well we got it anyways and good thing we did because he was invited to a pool party and everyone knows you can't go with out the coolest attire.

Caiden was invited to his first pool party this week for Skyler's birthday. He was so excited for it and talked about it for a week before the actual party. Mike and I unfortunately could not take him, we had to take a tour of the hospital. So Papa and Momma took him to the pool. Reports are that Caiden could have cared less about the cake, presents, and goodie bags but was really excited for swimming in the pool in his new hat.

We were able to join them after our tour and it was just so fun to see Caid in the water. He loved it.

1 comment:

The Beagleys said...

I'm so glad that your dad and Mike could enjoy the water too! ;) I just want to give Caiden kisses, he's just the cutest!!!