Monday, April 14, 2008

Doing the pee pee dance!!

He pee-peed in the pot-tay! Pee-peed in the pot-tay!

We have recently added new fixtures in our bathrooms at the house and Caiden has been interested. He asks to go and we get him to the bathroom, get him all ready(which means completely undressing him, someone told him you pee totally naked), to find out he meant he already went. Fast forward to last week about three minutes before we all danced, jumped and cheered like a bunch of crazies.....

Mike was sitting Caiden in time-out for something he had done, when in tears, Caiden said he had to go potty. Mike, nicer than I said okay (I would have assumed he just wanted out of time-out), and took him to the bathroom. Mike got him totally into nude dude mode and sat him down. He walked away as Caiden began to sing to himself and then went back a few seconds later to find that he had in fact gone. He pee-peed on the pot-tay! Pee-peed on the pot-tay! He got a big Sees lollipop! We partied, danced, sang, and acted like the crazy people we are.

Fast forward to Saturday......He did it again!!!! My boy is getting so big and makes me prouder and prouder every day!!!

Yay, the idea of having only one in diapers at a time MIGHT be feasible.


Steve, Lynn & Brian said...

The only thing better than the pee pee dance is the poo poo jig!!! Very exciting times at the Beagley house. It goes by so fast. Congratulations to all!

Derek and Emily said...

What an accomplishment! I love that he has to be completely nude. That's too funny! I'm trying to get fast enough with diaper changes to miss the stream of pee that Ethan loves to shoot my way. Aren't little boys the best!