Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Oldest Monkey

Caiden is already FIVE! Crazy! I love this age! Caiden is starting to be a little independent but still yearns for attention. The attention he wants is to help, work with us, play games we might actually like, read books together, etc. Much different than even a year ago. Just a fun age.

He is amazing! He just finished preschool and constantly amazes us with how incredibly smart he is. Caid will start kindergarten in a few short weeks, which is astounding! I could not bear to send him all day yet, so he is going to half day kindergarten and he could not be happier.

Caiden has become a fabulous big brother to both Elliott and Beckett. Elliott adores him and he and Beck have a great on again/off again relationship. They like each other most of the time but will bicker like siblings. It is awesome and frustrating to watch both aspects of their relationship.

He is still swimming. Caid now does the freestyle, backstroke and is working on his breaststroke and butterfly. He HATES flip turns and will argue with you if you ask him to attempt them.

Caiden is still my strong-willed kid. My highly dramatic kid. My snuggle bug. My comedian. My green eyed boy. My sensitive boy. My one and only Caiden.

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