Friday, February 19, 2010

A Caidenism, One of My Favorites So Far

Crazy Kid

So we were driving home from dinner the other night and this conversation transpired between Mike and Caiden. I have no idea what the conversation before and after this was but it doesn't really matter at this point.

Caiden: "Daddy, I am going to put girl jewelry on you."

Daddy: "Okay Caiden."

Caiden: "Then Daddy, I am going to put girl hair on you."

Daddy: "Uh huh Caiden."

Caiden: "Then Daddy you are going to have to sit down to pee."

I honestly have no idea where he comes up with this stuff. I do know that Caiden comes by his sense of humor honestly. His Daddy can take comments like these because they are things his Daddy can come up with on a minute by minute basis.

1 comment:

Karine said...

He is so funny and ultra witty! I just love that boy, and wish we lived closer so that we could all hang out more!