Friday, March 21, 2008

Just Me and My Hubby

It did happen!!!! No really, it did! We had a night out, just adults, no Caiden! Although I love him dearly, I needed a night without him, or VeggieTales, or snotty noses, or dirty diapers. Oh my gosh, I didn't even have to take a DIAPER BAG!

Mike and I were invited out for our friend Brian's birthday in DENVER. We were so happy to go with them. We have recently been spending more time with Brian and Lori and enjoying their friendship. So Caiden stayed with Mama and Papa and we spent the day in Denver shopping and then going to dinner. We had a blast! It is definitely something we should do more often.

So I know the criticism is coming but we went out for.....Sushi. And yes, I did have some. Eek!!!! The baby is fine for all who are now praying for him. But thanks for the prayers. Mike did find sushi he won't eat again, a first for him. It was scallop with a raw quail egg on top. For everyone who wonders what it tasted like, he says a horrible paste. Not recommending it. So for the evening , 5 stars for the company, 5 stars for the evening, 0 stars for Uni with a quail egg.


Karine said...

First of all, congrats on going to have another BOY!! I wanted to call and congratulate you in person, but this last week was nuts and every time I remembered to call it was too late! But I am sure you will empathize with my chaos, being that you will have 2 little ones very soon as well! :)

Secondly, I am glad that you and Mike were able to have an evening amongst adults. I think that it is VITAL for couples to get time alone without their children. It is good to miss them every once in a while.

Thirdly, Caiden is getting big and oh so cute! He is just perfect and I hate that I can't see him and you guys more often!

Well sorry for the novel, but I had a lot to say! Take care, and hopefully we can catch up soon!

Love ya,

The Johnson's said...

I know what you mean. When I was pregnant I kept drinking my Diet pepsi faithfully (could that explain my sons unnatural energy?) and I would get looks from women, like they had caught me shooting Heroine!